Movie searcher


Check it out here

I heard about the announcement of hooks at React Conf 2018 and immediately wanted to try them out.

Hooks represent everything I wanted in React because I strongly preferred making functional components. Previously, if you wanted to use any of the cool features of React, such as state or the lifecycle functions, you had to make class component.

It was mind blowing that everything could accomplished with just functions. I really wanted to play around with hooks so I made a great website: Tom's Movie Searcher!

I had actually made a rudimentary version in mid 2018 because I wanted to mess around with TypeScript. That version used MobX for state management. I promptly ripped Mobx out of it and reverted back to plain Javascript.

All it does is take an input, store the query in state, ping a movie database endpoint and render the results in a page. Each result renders a small teaser and clicking one will open a modal and subsequently request more info about the movie.

The entire thing was solely made to get to grips with hooks. The project is primarily driven from They provide a free api where you can request loads of data and they also provide images.

It's a bit weird in some places. The styling is a bit dismal and I don't think much happens in terms of error handling. It also does not renders a fallback placeholder if the api returns no image for a movie.

Originally, it was hosted on Heroku. I wasn't familiar with deploying JS only apps on the platform and I cobbled together a deployment process which was not fun.

It's now hosted on Zeit and is deployed with Now.

You can browse the source code here:

I have been thinking about making some changes to it like building a way to cache the data rather than making a fresh request each time.